Hydrolate, vacuum technology



Floral water or hydrolat

Floral water or hydrolate is a liquid obtained from the essential oils of various plants. No chemicals
or flavorings are used in the preparation of floral water, which makes this product a 100% natural product. Depending on the plant used, the scents of flower water can be very different, even specific.
Since flower water is a natural product, its storage time is limited, the optimal duration of use is up to 6 months. It is preferable to store it in the fridge.
Floral water is used for removing make-up, hair care or as a body refresher and aromatizer.
Two types of distillation processes are known for making flower water:
1. The selected raw material is placed above the water. All the valuable parts of the plant, including the aroma, are condensed by the hot steam.
2. The selected raw materials (berries, roots) are placed in water. All valuable parts of the plant are collected while water is boiling. This method is simpler and cheaper.
I am an enthusiast in the process of making floral water and I use a relatively rare, industrially unusable method that is called a vacuum distillation. The process takes place in a vacuum environment, where the temperature does not exceed 71 degrees, which allows not only to obtain more natural substances and aromas of plants, but also to preserve their values ​​as much as possible.
During the industrial preparation process, all essential oils are stripped from the distillate (for example rose, mint, lavender etc.) and the leftover distillate is turned into flower water. When I prepare flower water, I don’t strip the essential oils, they stay in the product.
Special mention should be made of the fruity floral water. Due to the special equipment I have, it is possible to obtain the liquid contained in the fruit at a low temperature. This ensures the preservation of the valuable parts of the fruit and excludes the characteristic aroma of the compote.
Find out more about floral water on my YouTube channel.

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